• 学习无处不在
  • Commons Curriculum
  • Curriculum for 转学
  • Curriculum for 转学

    云顶集团 expects all of its 学生 to pursue a common set of learning experiences. In this pursuit, 学生 enter into a space of inquiry with other 学生 和 faculty, known as the 云顶集团 Commons. Ultimately, 学生 will gain an integrative learning experience 和 develop proficiency in areas that will prepare them for careers of 未来.

    Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements

    One hundred twenty (120) credit hours are required for the degree. 学生必须 achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average 和 a minimum grade of C- in each course that is counted toward fulfilling the requirements of the major. 信贷 hours 在云顶集团 are defined on a semester basis. 

    Incoming transfer 学生 are exempt from taking the First-Year Seminar, FYS 100.

    First-Year 经验, FYE 134, while not required is highly recommended for transfer 学生. FYE continues the orientation process 和 connects the learning that occurs for 学生 both inside 和 outside of the classroom. Students will have the opportunity to build community, develop relationships with peers, 和 discover their sense of 云顶集团的地方. 

    College Writing Portfolio

    College Writing Portfolio (CWP) is a requirement for graduation from 云顶集团 College. The achievement of CWP signifies that 学生 can craft a sophisticated argument, conduct modern scholarly research 和 write clearly.


    Students are required to participate in a 出国留学 experience before graduation


    All 云顶集团 学生 must take a two course sequence in data analytics. 转学 who have already completed an approved course in statistics will have fulfilled the first foundation-level course.


    转学 are required to complete 4-10 credits (one to three courses) of 外语. Placement will be determined upon completion of a language placement test prior to registering for courses.

    种族、权力、 & 的角度来看

    The 种族、权力、 和 的角度来看 Requirement integrates 云顶集团 College’s values of diversity, social justice, 和 global citizenship by asking 学生 not only to recognize differences but to explore the power structures behind those differences. 转移 学生 who have already completed an approved course that explores different cultures, races will have fulfilled the course requirement. 查看 通过课程 from Maryl和 Community Colleges.

    Environmental Sustainability

    Students must demonstrate knowledge of scientific, policy, social, cultural, 和/or historical dimensions of human relationship to the environment. 转学 who have already completed an approved course in environmental studies are exempt from this requirement. V查看的列表 通过课程 that fulfill the Environmental Sustainability requirement from Maryl和 Community Colleges.

    Complex Problem Exploration Courses (CPE)

    To produce graduates capable of solving complex problems as part of diverse teams, 云顶集团 has created Complex Problem Exploration courses. These courses are interdisciplinary, centered around a contemporary issue, 和 require 学生 to work in sustained collaboration in a student-directed research or creative project. 
